I would like to have my child dedicated!
Your Personal Details
First Name
Last Name
Email Address
Mobile Number
Spouse's Name
Child being dedicated:
Child's first name
Middle Name
Child's Last Name
Date of birth
2. Child First Name
2. Middle Name
2. Child Last Name
2.Date Of Birth
Any additonal children being dedicated:
What are the names and DOB of any other child/ren you will be dedicated?
Do you attend LifeHouse Church?
Yes - I have been attending for 1 month
Yes - I have been attending for 6 months
Yes - I have been attending for 1-2 years
yes - I have been attending for 2 years +
No - I havent attended LifeHouse Church before
In partciptating in Child Dedications, I grant LifeHouse permission to film and photograph the event.
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There are currently no events available for registration.
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